Customer service
Terms & conditions
1.1 These general conditions of (hereafter 'the seller') are applicable on all agreements which a client or entrepreneur (hereafter ‘customer’) will agree upon with the seller with relevance to the products and/or services which the seller shows in his online shop. The inclusion of the client's own conditions is contradicted, unless otherwise agreed. 1.2 A consumer within the meaning of the general conditions is any natural person who performs a legal act for purposes that fall mainly outside the independent exercise of a profession or business. An entrepreneur within the meaning of these general conditions is any natural person or legal entity or partnership that performs a legal act in the context of the independent exercise of a profession or business. 2.1 The descriptions of the products in the onlineshop of the seller do not offer a binding assortment of the seller, but serve to invite the customer toenter into a binding agreement. 2.2 Through the order form which is available at the onlineshop of the seller, the customer is able to place an order. Doing so, after having put the selected products and/or services in the virtual shopping basket and having followed the digital procedure for ordering and by clicking on the button to complete the order, the customer accepts to a binding sales contract with reference to products and or services which are in the shopping basket. The order can only be processed after the customer has ticked the box for "I have read and agree to the general terms and conditions" to accept the contractual terms.. 2.3 The seller can accept the order made by the consumer within 5 days, by sending the consumer a written order confirmation or an order confirmation as a text (fax or email), where the receipt of the order confirmation by the consumer is binding, or by supplying the ordered items to the consumer, where the receipt of the items by the consumer is binding, or by asking the consumer to pay for the items after delivery. The seller will send the consumer in any case a confirmation of the order with an explanation of how the general conditions via the function 'Print' can be downloaded and printed. When more of the above mentioned options apply, then the agreement is valid when one of the above options come into being at first. When the seller does not accept the order within the established time frame, this means that the agreement has been rejected and the consumer is no longer obliged to follow his declaration of intent. 2.4 If the customer chooses 'PayPal Express' as the payment method when placing an order, he immediately submits a payment order to his payment service provider by clicking on the button to complete the order. Deviating from paragraph 2.3 explains in this case, the seller must accept the customer's order when the customer clicks on the button to complete the order and submits the payment order. 2.5 The period to accept the order begins on the day after the customer has place the order and finishes at the end of the 5th day after the customer has placed the order. 2.6 By placing the order by means of the sellers’ on-line order form, the seller stores the content of the agreement. After having send the order the customer will receive, besides the agreement, the applicable general conditions and client information by means of a text (for example through an email, fax or letter). If the customer has created a user account in the seller's online shop before placing his order, the order data will be archived on the seller's website and will be accessible free of charge to the customer through his password-protected user account by providing the relevantlogin data. 2.7 Before the consumer sends it binding order through the online order form of the seller, the consumer can edit the given data with his or her keybord or mouse. Furthermore all the inserted data can be scrutinized in the confirmation screen before sending the binding order, and once more with the keyboard and the mouse this data can be edited. 2.8 The seller guarantees that the products and / or services comply with the agreement, the specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of reliability and / or usability and the legal provisions existing on the date of the conclusion of the agreement and / or government regulations. 2.9 Only a Dutch version is available to conclude the agreement. 2.10 The process of ordering and contact normally is being done via e-mail and automated order processing. The consumer must be sure that the given email address is correct as to receive the emails send by the seller to this email address. The consumer must assure the fact that possible spam filters will not block any messages sent by the seller or by third parties implied in the process of executing the order. 3.1 In principle customers have the right to withdrawal. 3.2 More information about withdrawal right is to be found in the standard instructions for withdrawal by the seller. 4.1 The prices indicated by the seller are total prices and include the legal turnover tax. Possible delivery or shipment fees will be mentioned separately in the product description. 4.2 In case of shipment to countries outside the European Union in certain cases extra costs apply which the seller does not need to pay and which must be paid by the customer. Examples of these extra costs are money transfer costs by financial service providers (such as fees for booking or currency conversion) or import fees and taxes ( such as customs fees). 4.3 The customers has various payment options which will be indicated on the onlineshop of the seller. 4.4 The customers is only entitled to payments methods which oblige him or her to payment of the purchase price prior the delivery of the ordered goods and/or services. The customer has the right to pay only 50% of the purchase price as down payment , in which case he / she is obliged to pay the remaining 50 % of the purchase price after the receipt of the goods. 4.5 In case the payment method chosen is 'PayPal’ the payment will be handled by the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.a. r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg according to the applicable terms of use of Paypal which can be consulted via
The condition to be able to use this payment method is amongst others the fact that the customer opens a Paypal account or already has a Paypal account. 4.6 When the payment through iDEAL is chosen, the customer authorizes its’ bank, which is connected to the iDEAL payment system, to execute the payment. After the authorization for the payment the invoice amount will be deducted from the account of the customer and transferred to the account of the seller. The seller will be informed immediately of this successful transaction. 5.1As far as there are no other agreements, the delivery of the goods will take place through shipment to the address supplied by the consumer. The adress for delivery, given during the ordering will be binding for the conlusion of the transaction. 5.2 If the forwarder returns the shipped goods to the seller because the delivery to the customer was impossible, the customer has to contribute to the cost due to the unsuccessful delivery. This is not the case if the customer cannot be blamed for the unsuccessful delivery or if the customer was temporarily unable to receive the shipment, unless the seller has communicated the delivery with sufficient notice. 5.3 The seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of incorrect or defective self-delivery. This only applies in the event that the seller is not responsible for the non-delivery and the seller has carefully concluded a specific coverage transaction with the supplier. The seller will make all reasonable efforts to obtain the goods. In the event that the goods are not available or are only partially available, the customer will be informed immediately and the consideration will be immediately refunded. 5.4 Due to logistic reasons it is not possible to retrieve any parcels personally. In general all the legislations regarding liability for shortcomings are applicable and in specific the following rules are applicable. 6.1 For customers in the capacity of consumer The consumer has to inform the seller of the defect of the delivered item within two months of the discovery of the defect. 6.2 Apart from the contractual claims for compensation under the Articles 9 and 10 of Title 1 of Book 6 of the Civil Code, there is no liability of the seller towards the buyer with regard to consequential damage or personal injury on the grounds of defects with regard to the safety of the delivered goods
article (BW 6: 186, BW 7:24). This does not apply to when the seller knew the safety risk or should have known it; 7.1 If the customer acts as consumer as per point 1.2 then all the legal applications for both parties will be applicable according to the state of law where the consumer has its habitual residency and not the UN convention regarding international commercial agreements of portable goods, but exclusively the jurisdiction regarding all disputes regarding the agreement which indicate specifically the residency of the consumer. 7.2 If the costumer acts as entrepeneur as per point 1.2 then all the legal applications for both parties will be applicable according to the state of law where the seller has its commercial residency and not the UN convention regarding international commercial agreements of portable goods, but exclusively the jurisdiction regarding all disputes regarding the agreement which indicate specifically the residency of the headquarters of the seller. 8.1 The European Commission sets up a platform on the Internet under the following link
available for online dispute resolution: This platform offers a way to solve disputes without judicial resolution on the basis of purchase or service agreements via internet, where a consumer is involved. 8.2 The seller is not obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure of a consumer dispute settlement committee. All delivery conditions in any language but Dutch will be considered a translation. Only the original Dutch delivery conditions are binding.General conditions & Client information
1) Validity
2) Conclusion of the Sales contract
3) Withdrawal right
4) Prices and payment terms
5) Delivery and shipment conditions
6) Liability for shortcomings
The statute of limitation for complaints regarding defects is two years from the moment of the communication of the defect.
when the seller has contradicted the presence of the defect or;
if the shortcoming by damage to another object as meant in BW 6:190 has caused a financial loss of less than 500,- euro.7) Applicable law
8) Alternative dispute resolution